Wednesday, January 11, 2017

AION - Kunax's Breastplate Mod

Ah! Finally! We have the mod for the plate version of Kunax's armor! Is this what the plate wearers are thinking now?  :p    Well, actually I have been looking at this armor for quite sometime but it is already beautiful and sexy as it is, such that I can't really think of further improvement to it. So just to avoid any disappointment later, there isn't much changes to the armor after mod.  >.<   If you guys have any suggestion for further improvement, you can let me know.   :D
But why mod it if it's really that perfect? Basically, I want to complete the 4 sets of Kunax armor, of which I had already done for the "Kunax's Hauberk" and "Kunax's Tunic" in my previous posts, and what's missing is the plate and leather version. So, I choose to show the mod on the plate now and the leather one later. In addition, there are also 2 things that I have been itching to do on this armor.   XD
So, what are the 2 things that I want to mod? If you are a Kunax's armor wearer, you will have probably noticed that the exposed  skin layer is normally darker compared to the character's actual skin color, as if there's a translucent layer over the skin. It may be the designer's intent to make it a characteristic of the Kunax's armor set but I find that this layer is kind of redundant on the plate armor though.
As for the second thing, it would be those two swords and a piece of cloth on the butt area. I mean the armor has a really coolly designed hot pants but then have it hidden away, behind two swords and a piece of cloth? Really?      ~.~
Well, enough words. Let us look at the combined before and after images. I have placed the before and after mod screen capture side by side because it is the only way to compare the change in skin layer color.
Front View
Front Close-up View
It isn't very obvious but do you notice that the skin color on the left image is darker than the one on the right?
Rear View
The above image (on the left side) shows the two obstructing swords and cloth, while the right image does not have them after the mod.
Rear Close-up View
Yeah! Now we can admire those hot pants!   :D

By the way, this is one of the most tightly-designed armor (as in mesh structure) that I have seen so far, because other than the swords and cloth, any other texture removal would leave a hole.   o.o
That's all for this short post. Watch the video for a better view.  

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