Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Blade & Soul - Stinger (Yun Outfit) Mod

This week, we will have a look at another Yun outfit - Stinger. The Stinger is an outfit that can be acquired by player through sheer luck, by spinning a Wheel of Fate, like in the case of the Deva Raiment. In fact the Wheel of Fate for the Stinger is in really close proximity to the Deva Wheel of Fate, with just two minute run in game. While the Deva Wheel of Fate uses the Golden Deva essence as a token for spinning the wheel, the Stinger Wheel of Fate uses Pinchy's essence.

If you are wondering what a Pinchy is, you can make a guess from the name of the outfit and essence... So, you got it yet? No? Well, here's a hint: What horrid creature has pincers and sting people.  😱

Okay, here's the answer. Pinchy is a scorpion but not those tiny ones that we know. Pinchy is a giant scorpion which lurks underground, in a pit, near to Yehara's Mirage in the Cinderlands. What anyone would see is a just cloud of dust swiftly sweeping across the desert sand, but when someone naively wonders near to it, Pinchy would spring up and mercilessly make a quick meal out of them.   😱

Pinchy lurking underground

However, most players will agree with me that what they find horrible is actually the chance of getting the outfit and adornments, more than the frightening size and look of Pinchy.  ðŸ˜£

If you had read my post in the Deva Raiment, you will probably have an idea of how difficult it is to get outfits and adornments from the wheels. But in Pinchy's case, this is made worse by the fact that Pinchy has the tendency to hide away underground after taking certain amount of damage.

When underground, players cannot attack Pinchy while it slowly recovers its health. On top of that, the only way to force Pinchy out onto the surface is by throwing a bomb obtained from a chest nearby, which is surrounded by smaller scorpions.  ðŸ˜± And what's worse is that Pinchy can resist the bomb and remain underground until another bomb is successfully thrown. This lengthened the time to get Pinchy's essence and thus, increasing the difficulty in getting the outfit. No wonder some players rank Pinchy as one of the most annoying field bosses.  ðŸ˜¦

Well, that's all for the introduction but the reason why I wanted to mod this outfit is because I am salty about how the Stinger outfit looks on the Gon race compared to Yun. A picture is worth a thousand words so let's take a look below.

Stinger on Yun                                     Stinger on Gon
Wow! Why did the Gon outfit get a sexy butt view with a G-String but Yun has to put up with a latex butt!  😧

And so, the quest to even the score begins!  😃

Let's first take a closer look at the original outfit below.

Front View - Original Outfit
The Stinger outfit is a full body, tight-fitting suit with several protection covers on the back, sides and thighs. But they don't seem so eager to protect the heart region though.  😅

Front Close-up View - Original Outfit

Rear View - Original Outfit
The tail that wriggles at the back is actually the outfit's adornment.

Rear Close-up View - Original Outfit

Side View - Original Outfit

Side Close-up View - Original Outfit
In order to level out with the Gon outfit, I started by doing away with the latex to reveal the skin, not only on the butt region but the entire leg. However, as there is nothing beneath the latex, removing it will inevitably reveal the entire butt. As such, I painted a G-String so she doesn't have to run around butt-naked.  😅

Next, the latex on the arm is transformed into an armband. I could not totally remove it as there will be discontinuity and 'floating' skin issue.

Then, I upped the ante by removing the latex on the bra region as well. No point just looking the same as another outfit, right?  😉  Unfortunately, some discontinuities showed up after the latex region on the bra is recolored to skin and I have to add a little something to hide those discontinuities.  😣

So, let's take a look at the modified outfit below.

Front View - Modified Outfit

Front Close-up View - Modified Outfit
From the two images above, you can see that the latex on the arms, legs and bra is gone!

Rear View - Modified Outfit

Rear Close-up View - Modified Outfit
Finally, a nice butt view comparable to the Gon outfit.  😃

Side View - Modified Outfit

Side Close-up View - Modified Outfit
I had wanted to remove the leg guards at the thighs because they made the thighs look so much thicker. But removing them would reveal holes beneath, so I had to leave them alone.

I wore the tail adornment in the images and video because it compliments the outfit by randomly revealing the G-String as it wriggles about.

Does this modified Yun outfit looks better than the Gon one? Check out the video for an all-round view.  😃

Download Link


  1. Would it be possible to get a download link for this mod? Thank you very much!

  2. Thank you very much!
