Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Blade & Soul - Divine Emissary (Gon/Yun Outfit) Mod

Immediately after I posted the Jin Divine Emissary, a new patron asked if it can be applied to Gon and Yun. I explained that all races and gender have their own individual package, except for special cases like the Cutting Edge outfit. I also promised to add the two to my TO-DO list, so we shall be seeing these two outfit mods in this week's post.

The reason I can do both mods is because the missing meshes issue  in the Jin mod is not present in both the Gon and Yun mod. As such, the recoloring to remove shadows can be performed without much fuss. Also, the layout of the meshes (other than skin layer) in the UV map for all three races are aligned, so I can easily copy-paste-delete the unwanted portion. The aligned meshes also make it easier to copy the addons and alterations, including the Diffuse, Mask, Specular and Normal, from the Jin over to the Gon and Yun. 😃

As mentioned above, the UV maps for the three races are the same. So as expected, their outfits would also looks exactly the same.

Since I have already talked about the outfit in details in the Jin Divine Emissary post, I will skip that for the Gon and Yun. Instead, let us look at the original outfits below. For the sake of non-players, the one on the left is Gon and the one on the right is Yun. Players probably can easily tell from their pose and inherent body shape. 😄

Front View - Original Outfit

Front Close-up View - Original Outfit
The outfits look exactly the same but the tattoo just below the bra seems to be rounder on the Gon as compared to the Yun.

Rear View - Original Outfit

Rear Close-up View - Original Outfit
Everything looks identical from the rear too.

Side View - Original Outfit
Same for the sides.

Side Close-up View - Original Outfit
For the two mods, I tried to give them the same look as that of the Jin. This is possible for the Yun because skin layers under the bra and skirt are all present. The Gon outfit, on the other hand, gives a bit of a problem due to the missing skin layer on the outer sides of the thighs. 😓 The leg guards, in addition to the skirt, actually hides the missing mesh so it is not a problem for the original outfit.

However, I intend to modify the leg guards and remove the skirt completely, so inevitably exposing the missing layer. 😓 There are two ways to solve this. One is to keep the leg guards as they are (i.e. cowboy style leg guards) and remove the skirt completely. The second method is to modify the leg guards, to the Jin style, but keep the side portions of the skirt to hide the missing layer.

Well, the cowboy style leg guards does not look that attractive to me 😆 so I chose to go ahead with the second mod. However, just simply keeping the sides of the skirt, while cutting away the mid center and rear portions seems weird. Thus, I modify the retained portions of the skirt into armor pieces like those on the shoulders. Let's check and compare the two modified outfits below.

Front View - Modified Outfit
The leg guards in both have been modified to that in the Jin mod.

Front Close-up View - Modified Outfit
The bras on both outfits have been modified and the tattoos below them have also been removed. This was due to recoloring to remove the shadows.

The skirt on the Yun is totally gone but something remains on the sides of the Gon's outfit. You can see them more clearly in the side image.

Rear View - Modified Outfit

Rear Close-up View - Modified Outfit
The shadows beneath the bra straps have to be taken care of too.

Side View - Modified Outfit
You can see the Gon mod included two armor pieces by the sides of the waist. They are used to hide two holes between the edges where the thighs meet the waist.

Side Close-up View - Modified Outfit
I just realized from the image above that my Gon has such thin torso around the abdomen and my Yun seems to be top-light and bottom-heavy. 😓

After seeing all three versions of the mod, which one do you like most? Personally, I think it looks best on the Jin. Not sure if it is because of bad customization on my Gon and Yun though. 😰

That concludes the Divine Emissary for all three races. Watch the video, captured in the in-game Tailorshop (since I did not have the outfit on my Gon and Yun), for a better look.

Sorry for the late post and if you actually read my last previous post, you may have guessed why it is late. 😓 This video creation was not without incidents too. If you are interested to know what happen this time round, you can read about it just below this video.

If you don't want to read about it, you should probably stop now...

The video creation was completed two days back, but I guess I got to experience the sequel of "Curious Case of Missing Video" as explained at the bottom in the Gon Grand Enchantment post. 😱

Well, after that horrible experience prior and defiant to pay for another license, I uninstalled the new version and reinstall the older version of the editor, as suggested by the developer's customer support. But now, it seems the editor is chunking up even more problems in my face.

For the first compilation, I left the editor compiling through the night (which I mostly do because video compilation can take a looonngg time). In the morning, the dialogue box appeared, as usual, to indicate that the compilation is successful. But to my dismay, it gave me an eleven seconds duration video which should have been one minute plus.  😓

For the second time that I tried, the editor crashed at ten percent of compilation. 😰

And on the third run, it finally produced my one minute video. BUT! The footage froze at the ninety percent mark of the video while the music continues playing.

The fourth try gave me an eleven seconds video again..... And the fifth try, footage froze at ninety percent again.... 😱

Finally, I gave up and downgraded the output from 4K definition to 2K definition. It finally gave me my video in its entirety. 😩

Wow! I have produced over fifty videos without much problem (but only the last four videos are made with 4K definition) and now, it starts to throw all sort of tantrums? Especially after the developer has the newer version to sell? I am beginning to become paranoid that my usage of the editor is being monitored. 😱

Sorry to make you guys read this yet again.. 😥 Maybe I should ditch this video editor that I am using.. Any suggestion for a better video editor?

Download Link for Gon 
Download Link for Yun