Wednesday, July 27, 2016

AION - Jungle Jane Outfit

Recently, the movie "The Legend of Tarzan" just hit cinemas, with posters and trailers flooding both physical and cybernetic world. Then, a light bulb lit in my head "Why not make a jungle outfit for my character?" since Aion has plenty of jungles littered with critters, exotic plants and terrible monsters ready to tear players up at the slightest chance. Well, so I did. :p
Well, firstly, I would need to figure out what the outfit will look like and then I'll have to find suitable armor skins for the modification (or as I always call it "xForm!").
Hmm...the first part isn't that tough since most of the Tarzans, that I had seen before, all wear some kind of brown leather rag (or was that cloth? Well, given the Tarzan in a real world probably wouldn't wear leather because it has to come off some poor animal?   >.<  ).
Anyway, I choose to make a brown leather 2 piece outfit (I swear that no animals are harm in the creation  process!  :p ). So, I picked a tight fitting leather chest armor (jerkin) with a single-sided strap on the right shoulder and a tight fitting leather leg armor (breeches), which I can cleanly modified into hot pants that display her leggy legs.
However, I figure that a plain 2 piece brown leather outfit will look too dull, so I added some decorations to the basic chest piece.
And for the results, look at the images below.  :)
Front view
Rear view
Left view
Right view
Close-up view
Having all meat (and leather) but no veggie isn't healthy, so for the addition decorations, as shown in the images above, I have given her a glowing flower necklace, 2 arm bands decorated with flower bulbs and lastly, a freshly off the branch's leaf skirt! The skirt is so fresh, it is still shiny!
Oh! And by the way, I did not modify the head wrap. I just find it a pretty match for this outfit and so used it for the images and video. For those interested, the head wrap is actually a chain hood (really!? o.O), that obviously does not contains a trace of chain, called the "Rebel Chanter/Cleric/Aethertech Chain Hood". Similar to the "Rebel Chanter/Cleric/Aethertech Hauberk", this head armor drop off bosses in the old "Rentus Base" or from treasure chest in the newer "Occupied Rentus Base" (or simply ORB).  
So. Do you guys like this jungle outfit? Watch it in action in the YouTube video below.

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